
Joss Buttler does the April Fool’s joke

Did you hear about Jos Buttler’s hilarious April Fools’ Day prank? He is the captain of England’s white ball cricket squad. In a video published by the England Cricket Board (ECB), Buttler’s surprise revelation made everyone giggle.

Jos Buttler opened the video by discussing something that troubles him. People frequently speak his name incorrectly! Even his mother once typed “Josh” instead of “Jos” on his birthday card. Could you imagine?

It seemed serious!

Even his special award, the MBE, had his name written incorrectly! Buttler came up with a clever solution to the situation. He indicated he’d alter his name to “Josh Buttler” rather than “Jos.” It was time for a change now!

But this is the finest part! At the last moment of the clip, someone unintentionally named him “Jos” rather than “Josh.” It was really funny! Buttler’s response was priceless. He flung aside his pen in fake exasperation.

Some people assumed it was all part of an April Fool’s hoax! The video got quite popular on social media. Everyone couldn’t stop talking about it! They passed it around, and everyone laughed along with Buttler’s humour.

A good way to start the day

It was an excellent way to brighten up everyone’s day. People had a great time viewing Buttler’s video. They admired his sense of humour and ability to make everyone happy. Some others even talked about altering their names on April Fools’ Day!

Jos Buttler’s April Fools’ Day prank was a success! With his amusing video, he demonstrated that even famous sportsmen like having fun. It was a reminder that laughing can brighten any day, particularly April Fool’s Day.

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